
Ensuring Comfort & Convenience at Summer Jobsites with Mobile Restrooms

Posted by The Texas Loo Content Team on 3 May, 2024

For many Americans, especially teens, summer jobs are a rite of passage, and many of these summer jobsites do not have all the amenities of your typical 9-to-5 office job.

Summer jobsites are temporary work locations that operate during the warmer months, often in construction, agriculture, or event-related industries. These sites may include outdoor festivals, seasonal construction projects, or agricultural operations that require a significant workforce.

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Tags: Long Term Rentals, OSHA

The Crucial Role of Portable Restrooms During Hurricane Emergencies

Posted by The Texas Loo Content Team on 4 Apr, 2024

As the 2024 hurricane season approaches, experts predict an extremely active period with a high probability of hurricanes making landfall in Texas and Louisiana.

“Buckle up and hunker down: An "extremely active" hurricane season is likely, top forecasters from Colorado State University (CSU) announced Thursday,” reported USA Today. “In fact, the forecast includes the highest number of hurricanes ever predicted in an April forecast by Colorado State since the team began releasing predictions in 1995.”

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Tags: Long Term Rentals, Extreme Weather

Boost Employee Satisfaction, Productivity: Long-Term Restroom Rentals

Posted by The Texas Loo Content Team on 6 Mar, 2024

Imagine a construction site where workers can readily access clean and sanitary restrooms without disrupting their workflow or inconveniencing clients.

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Tags: Long Term Rentals, Cleanliness

Why Restroom Trailers Outshine Portable Toilets: The Ultimate Choice

Posted by The Texas Loo Content Team on 16 Aug, 2023

For your next gathering or work project, consider the many advantages of restroom trailers over portable toilets. More and more, our customers are opting for the upgraded restroom trailer experience for their corporate employees, wedding guests, construction workers, and more. Contact The Texas Loo for more information. In the meantime, here are several of the advantages you can expect with restroom trailers.

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Tags: Long Term Rentals, Cleanliness, Event Planning, ADA

Hurricane Response & Portable Restrooms

Posted by The Texas Loo Content Team on 3 Aug, 2022

What is the role of portable restrooms during emergencies such as hurricanes?

When a natural disaster hits a community, you don’t want to compound the problem by allowing a bathroom emergency to occur. 

Unfortunately, when a major event like a hurricane happens, people are forced to evacuate from their homes, and the bathrooms they usually depend on are no longer available. They may have nowhere to go, with no friends, relatives, or neighbors available to let them have some shelter and a safe place to use the restroom. But when you have to go, there is no option to just hold it in.

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Tags: Long Term Rentals

Schools and Mobile Restroom Trailers

Posted by The Texas Loo Content Team on 22 Feb, 2022

When you gotta' go, you gotta' go. And in some school buildings, it's not necessarily easy to go.

There are numerous situations where schools may require extra temporary bathrooms from time to time - and it's crucial to have a solution ready to deploy when necessary. In this post, we'll discuss why mobile restroom trailers make for that ideal solution.

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Tags: Long Term Rentals, Construction

Pandemic Affects Current Demand for Luxury Trailers

Posted by The Texas Loo Content Team on 18 Jan, 2021

The global pandemic of the novel coronavirus that’s responsible for COVID-19 infections is causing all kinds of changes in our daily routines, to be sure. People have to maintain social distancing as much as possible. At the same time, it’s more important than ever to provide a place where individuals can wash their hands.

In many cases, they need access to more portable bathroom facilities to accommodate business needs as well as requirements to shelter in place, during quarantine.

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Tags: Long Term Rentals

The Importance of Proper Sanitation Capabilities in Mobile Restroom Stations

Posted by The Texas Loo Content Team on 17 Mar, 2020

In the day and age of extreme concern about the spread of contagious viruses, there’s never been a stronger need for proper sanitation. However, the average portable restroom isn’t equipped to meet those needs. Many feature a ‘receiving’ hole and you’re lucky if there’s a square to spare in the toilet paper holder.

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Tags: Long Term Rentals, Construction

Long-Term Construction Projects That Warrant an Onsite Portable Restroom

Posted by The Texas Loo Content Team on 17 Sep, 2019

Major construction projects require a good number of man-hours, and when people on the job need to clean up or handle their ‘business,’ having appropriate facilities nearby is essential. Whether your construction workers are busy with a brand new development or assisting with a commercial remodeling job, an onsite portable restroom will help minimize costs and maximize efficiency. Here are some long-term construction projects that will certainly have workers appreciating the presence of a necessary room right onsite.

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Tags: Long Term Rentals, Construction